has some really excellent walking country. There are many walking
areas, which present a varying level of challenge. Some of these
routes are suitable for pedal
cycles too. The best months for this kind of activity are April,
May, early June, then later on in the year in October and November,
weather permitting
of course! Just a few favourite routes are shown here, and you would
be best advised to plan your route well beforehand.
Mgarr Harbour
From the harbour at Mgarr walk a short distance up the hill to Fort
Chambrai. This was built in the 18th century by Bailli Jacques-Francois
de Chambrai, and is currently being developed into a resort area.
From here, make your way down rough paths which lead to the tiny
bay of Xatt
L-Ahmar (The Red Shore).
Sannat Area
From Sannat,
make your way to the Ta'Cenc Hotel, then proceed along the country
road leading south east to open countryside and cliffs. About 2
kms west of Ta'Cenc is the valley of Mgarr
ix-Xini and sea inlet bearing the same name. The return journey
is up hill along the valley by the road which leads into Xewkija.
San Blas Bay
Just north west of Nadur,
you will find the bay at San
Blas. This is a small sandy beach, accessible only by a steep
path ! It is worth the effort though, and from here you can actually
cross the headland and walk down to the larger sand beach at Ramla
il- Hamra. The Maltese name means 'red beach' and it is a very popular
leisure area.